Thursday, July 2, 2020

World's Finest Rennie Stennett Collection

With apologies to Rennie and Mrs. Stennett, but when they eventually open the Rennie Stennett Baseball Card Museum, I'm pretty confident it's me they'll be calling first. In May, I talked a bit in this blog post about why I was collecting Rennie Stennett cards, and I crowed a bit prematurely about being almost done with collecting his entire run of cards. Nope, there were still more to go, and I suspect there probably still are - but I'm hard-pressed to figure out at this point what I don't have.

I recently got Rennie Stennett's 1975 SSPC card, #575 in the set, which you see to your left here. It highlights the #1 thing people know about our man Rennie - that he went 7 for 7 on September 16th, 1975 in a 9-inning game, leading the Pirates to a 22-0 win over the Cubs that day.

This 7-for-7 is also the reason that Stennett was given not one but two cards in the 1994 Upper Deck Heroes of Baseball set, highlighting his achievement. Please note that I have both the original Stennett cards in this set, plus versions stamped "Major League Baseball 125th Anniversary". Anyone know what that's about?

In my SportLots order that contained these cards, the sender was kind enough to include this 'lil mini-card in my order from Rennie's time on the San Francisco Giants:

I've also got all of the man's Kellogg's cards now. Far as I can tell there are three of them, but I just scanned this 1977 one for you here:

Then there's this 2001 Upper Deck "Decade Dateline" card - I guess the set commemorates things that happened in the 1970s - and of course it celebrates Stennett's 7 for 7 again:

Finally, I was able to nab two more 1990s cards of Stennett playing in the Florida Senior League for the Gold Coast Suns, the first from Elite and the second from T&M Sports. Call me if you ever need these cards for a Stennett museum, OK folks?


  1. 7 for 7? That's pretty incredible. I didn't know that!

  2. I recently decided to start chasing down autographs of athletes with unique accomplishments. Stennett meets the prerequisites with that 7 for 7 performance.

    This post inspired me to track down his autograph... which wasn't easy since he doesn't have one out there, but I found a certified autograph... which led me down a slippery slope as I ended up buying a bunch of stuff from the seller because he offered combined shipping.

  3. I'm also a Rennie Stennett collector! You can view my collection here:


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