Thursday, June 16, 2022

Totally Loving These Colors and Contours

If I'm going to make my bed with any sort of hockey card insert series right about now, it's those "Colors and Contours" that come out as a part of Upper Deck's MVP series. They mostly feature stars; they're numbered to /250, and they looks fantastic. They have been doing these for a few years now; what you're seeing here are the 3 that I've procured from the 2020-21 set, and one that I recently picked up from 2021-22. Honestly, those 2020-21 cards are as good as it gets.

There are 100 in that particular set, so I'm 3% of the way there! There are also green and purple versions. Of course, if you have some of these and absolutely hate them and want them out of your collection, please get in touch.


  1. Nice Burnzie! Never seen these parallels before, but not opening new hockey product in years probably has something to do with it.

  2. The breadman! I want that Panarin card. Nice!


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